Abdominal pain?


I’m getting sharp pains in my abdomen. It feels like it’s near my belly button but on the left side. Last night I also had pain and had to get up in the middle of the night to do a BM. This is different from that pain though. I also don’t seem to be peeing like I should, as I’m not that frequently. This afternoon at the office the pain was horrible. I thought it was a UTI as it seemed to hurt more before I relieved my bladder or afterwards, but took an at home test and it was negative. I have an MD appointment on Friday morning so will def get this checked.

But figured between now and then, anyone else have anything similar.

Also these are def not cramps that are near

My uterus or give me concerns about a miscarriage. Really just feels like a horrible belly ache that seems to have various causes and there is no fever or blood in urine or anything like that.

Ugh pregnancy suuuuuucks!