9 week “piece of mind sonogram”

Kay • Pharmacist 👩🏽‍⚕️ Wifey 💍 Angel Mama 👼🏼 🌈baby due 8/4/19

Today I go for my third sonogram. I’m 9 weeks and nervous as all get out due to history of miscarriage.

This was our scan at 5w5d

And this was our scan at 6w5d with heartbeat at 124bpm

I’m so nervous but so excited. As long as everything goes well today the miscarriage chance goes down tremendously.

Symptoms so far (today I’m 8w6d):

- breast tenderness sometimes not too extreme, but nipples are very sensitive

- occasional nausea in the morning and evening before bed but no vomiting

- exhaustion has been getting better but still trying for a min of 7.5/8 hrs a night

- superhero sense of smell.

I appreciate any prayers for our little rainbow baby!