Can anyone else relate?


This was my first month tracking anything and ttc. My periods are pretty regular, between 28-33 days. I came into ttc with the mindset that it was going to be hard to conceive and I started ocd stressing. I didn’t ovulate until cd26, and I honestly thought I might be someone who doesn’t ovulate (confirming my fears of difficulty conceiving since it took that long in my cycle). I seriously psyched myself out and worked myself up into an anxiety storm. My period is predicted to be later than its ever been in my life. I know this is a result of me stressing, because up to this point I have never had this lengthy of a cycle in my life. Clearly something went wrong this month, that was me. Maybe we will up end with a BFP, but if we don’t it’s ok. Next month my goal is to not panic and relax because I now know I WILL ovulate at least (one less fear). My period has been pushed back over a week and I’m hoping I do not have a short LP. My husband has told me he feels like I’ve turned ttc into a science experiment and that I am forcing things to happen rather than letting them happen naturally. Can anyone else relate?