Awful start to my year/Rant

Had a decent birthday on the first but yesterday (jan 2nd) my brother was super sick. Momma rushed him to the hospital and poor bubbas has nemonia and a blood infection. He has been airlifted to UC Davis but I am so worried. Im hours away from my main little man so I cant go check on him. The only thing I feel like I can do is make sure my home and my mommas home is as clean as can be for when her an bubba and my grandmother get home. (She went with my ma to keep her company also shoulder to cry on) then I was quite hopeful that I was pregnant but I got a BFN on a digital and looks like af is just 1 day late as im starting to spot.

Update: Jan 4 2019 8:30 I found my fish dead today and I cried. I love all my animals an to see posidon go was hard.