He tried to use my cash app card...

Okay so I swear I'll stop posting about this asshole, the one who I had to call the cops to get to leave my house and got abusive and punched ahole in my wall.. but he's so damn stupid.

So I have cash app. He has my physical card to it. I've asked for it back many times and he refused. Well. This fucker decided to use it today.

And I know it's him because 1) he's the last person to have it 2) it was n the town he works at on a vending machine.

The fucker doesn't even have $2.49 of his own so he tries to steal my money???? Wtf he's already drained my savings while we were together..

Promise after promise to put it back. Okay sure. 😒

I would have cancelled the card but I knew and was just waiting for him to do this. I kinda wish I had more than ¢.03 on it so that I could say he actually took my money .-. I mean.. that's a crime right? He used my card with MY name on it without my permission.. idk about laws when it declined.. but I'm going to the court house and sheriff department so I can ask then 😁