Muscle movement or baby movement?


I was taking a shower

And all the sudden my stomach felt very.. odd

And I looked down and it was moving.

I’m only pretty much 15 weeks.

And sometimes I can feel pressure, and I can only assume it is baby switching positions, because one side of my belly will protrude more than the other and then stay like it for a while. And where its protruding, it’s slightly harder than the other side.

And I am unsure if I felt kicking or not yesterday, since I was driving in the car and there were many bumps. But it felt as if it was coming from inside. And I was small little pops.

This didn’t quite feel like the pressure I had been feeling before, and seemed more towards my belly button, where most of what I’ve felt is quite a bit lower. And this felt almost like muscle spasms.

This is my first pregnancy, so I really have no clue what anything is supposed to feel or look like tho.

Just 15 weeks seems kind of early for that kind of movement.