Is it mean if I send my dad a link to “5 things not to do as a parent”?

E • Animal lover, artist, & wannabe chef. 18/CA 🦋💗🐺✨♏️

I’m 18 and live with my dad. We used to be best friends but in the past 6-8 months have started arguing over EVERYTHING.

He constantly tells me I’m wrong, never acknowledges my accomplishments or “good” behavior, and expects me to clean up after him and his girlfriend.

I have severe anxiety and he knows this. I have asked him more times than I can count to change his tone of voice or wording to be more respectful towards me. He responds to this by cutting me off and changing the subject, almost as if he is in denial about the fact that I have feelings too.

Growing up he taught me to be tough, and i am. I’m not afraid of much. But this has also caused me to have emotional issues that i am really struggling with now as I am coming into adulthood and beginning to take on more responsibilities.

I feel like this article is either going to help him understand some of his unhealthy behaviors or just piss him off, and I’m unsure if my motives for sending it are because I want to be petty or because I actually want to save our relationship. I think it’s a bit of both.

Thoughts? How would you feel if your daughter sent you something like that?

And there’s the link for anyone wondering :)

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