Are you obligated to keep track of friends/family mental health?

Heather K

Mental health post* possible trigger just in case

This post got me thinking.

Obviously we all notice if our friends or family have *obvious* mental/ emotional issues and we do/should make an effort to take care of those we love to the best of our ability.


Should people make more of an effort to see your less obvious struggles and genuinely help or do you think that everyone has stuff going on and we should be more personally responsible for our own mental health?


Personal experience/ opinion

I have a friend that lives states away that I know is struggling because she's opened up about it. I try to keep consistent contact and give her chances to vent or just talk. I've also encouraged her to continue with her therapist. We both believe in the power of prayer, so I let her know I'm praying for her as well. However I know there is only so much I can do and try to not let it get me down too much because I have my own troubles to face. I try to keep a balance but I've noticed others do things differently.

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