When Will You Let Your Child Watch TV?


The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says it’s best to avoid letting children under 2 years old watch TV entirely. Turns out babies and young toddlers don’t actually enjoy watching TV, even Spongebob or Sesame Street. They may laugh or smile, or “tune in” and stare at the TV, but that is most likely caused by confusion. Their minds are not yet developed enough to see TV as more than a confusing array of flashing colors and noises. Plus, they do not have enough real life interaction experience to understand that the show or movie is trying to relate to real life, and will most likely not be able to tell the difference between real life and what they see on the screen, which the association says can significantly skew their understanding of the world. What do you think? Is it something you just never considered? Do you think there’s not a problem with it? Or will you put off letting your kid stare at a screen as long as possible?

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