Pregnant and dating???

Yes I’ve gone anon because I’m all honesty I feel a little embarrassed and in need of advice!

I’m 5 weeks pregnant the babies father is aware at first he was excited then went and told his mum (whom has never met me nor knows me) now he wants nothing to do with me or the baby and has made it clear he won’t be helping financially.

So here’s the where the title kicks in I’ve had a male friend literally in and out of my life for 10 years we get on and have such a laugh, he’s asked me to go on a date which Ive said yes.............but I’ll be around 6-7 weeks pregnant you the time we go (I doubt I’ll be showing as I’m a big girl in general!) Question is if our date goes famously well do I tell him straight away that I’m pregnant?? Or shall I tell him that I’m pregnant after a few dates? Or tell him on the date? Or shall I just not go on the date?!

Thanks for reading the script ladies advice is truly great full right about now!