Baby knows when husband isn’t around??


Okay, this might sound incredibly weird, but do any of you notice that your unborn child knows when your husband/SO isn’t around?

I spent a whole week with my hubs for the holiday and felt wonderful. Wasn’t tired, wasn’t sick, minimal pain anywhere.

Now that he’s back to work, I’m freaking miserable.

Puking, headaches, extremely exhausted, aches and pains everywhere lol.

I’m thinking maybe I’m just wacko, but seriously! The whole week my husband was home was the best I’ve felt this whole pregnancy so far. (Almost 17 weeks)

But now he’s gone back to work, I’m back to feeling like total ass again. No amount of sleep seems to conquer the fatigue battle.

Apart from him working (I stay home with our daughter) were inseparable and have been since we got together. So it really does feel like the baby knows lol.

Anyone else experience this?