Ladies please I feel like I’m going to lose my mind FOUND OUT WHY HUSBAND HAS ZERO SPERM does anyone know what this means or if it can be corrected? (high fsh)

His appt is this coming Tuesday 1/8 but they did genetic blood work and the results for his zero sperm count is Elevated FSH hormone. (Follicle stimulating hormone) so everything is normal his semen levels are all normal except for his elevated FSH which she said is consistent with his Semen whatever that means I’m not sure but I’m so nervous you guys all I want is a baby and I’m praying it’s treatable does anyone know if that is something that can be corrected?

So his semen is really good for sperm he just has no sperm because of the elevated FSH.

She didn’t tell me much but she said the doctor would discuss our “options” I’m not sure what that means but I’m hoping it’s good news.

I just want us to be able to have a baby. This has been such a roller coaster but we finally know why. I just hope it’s treatable and they can get him to produce the Sperm again.