You wont believe how I met my seller..


So me and my husband military moved from New Mexico to Florida. Wow! And what a trip that was since I am 23 weeks pregnant with blood clotting issues. We were constantly stopping to stretch to avoid clots. Well when we got to Florida I said "let's go see our house! They must moved by now they only have 3 days!" So we drove by. No one was home. They came home as we were parked up front LOL. We drove off not knowing what to do but obviously they saw our plates. Well the way the street works we had to drive back by to get out and my Father in law called. We stopped across the street from my soon-to-be home to talk to him. In the middle of the phone call I saw the seller (the wife) look out the blinds. I nudged my husband and said "we look like stalkers we need to leave!!" But before I knew it this woman came out staring at us walking up to the car! I quickly hung up with my FIL and she said "Are you guys the buyers? This is your first time seeing the home right?? Oh well just come on in!" I was so happy and taken aback by this kindness me and my husband came back the next day to help lift the heavy furniture into the truck with them. I would consider us friends now yall. Ain't that crazy? God bless these people.