Was I in an abusive relationship ?

Hello gals! Hope you are having an excellent years do far! 😊

My New Year’s <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> was not the best day. My boyfriend of 5 months and I broke up. The reason we broke up was because we attended one of his friends wedding the night before and I danced with a mutual friend first than with him. He proceded to ignore me for the rest of the night and didn’t want to dance with me or take pictures with me. Btw, we are both in our late twenties. Since I didn’t want to cry, stay at the table (like he wanted), and make a scene, I continued dancing with his friends and tried to have a good time.

He was silence all the way to the hotel and didn’t speak to me until the next morning regardless of my attempts to ask him what was wrong. He broke up with me and said he wasn’t ready for a relationship. That he regretted asking me to be his girlfriend and that he felt repulsion towards me for simply dancing with out mutual friend first.

It hurt a lot to heard that from him. At some point of our relationship I thought he was the one. He introduced me to his family first (something he had never done with his previous girlfriends) and I was very excited to introduce him to mine. I was very disappointed that he wasn’t as excited to spend the holidays back home with me. He did met ny family but acted all weird and was in a rush. When he picked me up to go somewhere, he didn’t want to get out of his car and say hi to my family. To my family that is considered very rude and a sign bad intentions.

Looking back he was very volatile and got mad at me for silly things, like not closing a door, or leaving water spots by the sink. He would give me the silent treatment constantly. I never cheated on him, I never did him wrong. If I did something he didn’t like, I said I was sorry, but he never said he was sorry if he did something that upset me. He used to get mad if I pointed out he was being mean and had to control his attitude. At one point I felt like I couldn’t say anything or touch him for being afraid of making him mad or getting rejected. So every time he got mad I just stayed silent.

I did love him and it hurts a lot. On New Year’s ever morning I took my stuff and left the hotel room. I still have to pick up some of my stuff from his house. I have anxiety. I don’t know if he really was abusive, cause I don’t want to realize that I was in an abusive relationship. I can’t believe I was so gullible or submissive. I always promised myself I wouldn’t be like that. What is the next step? How do I heal from this?