i dont know if this is normal

ever since i got my period, its like my vagina changed shape? or maybe it was just the same shape and i didnt look at it and realize it. but ive looked it up, and its the mons pubis (where the pubic hair is), but its like big. and ive gone swimming and have glanced and other girls vags to see if maybe thats how they all were, and its not. so im now super self concious about ONLY that. im in a relationship and the physical attraction we have to each other is UNREAL, but im still a virgin, but we've done numerous other things BUT hes never seen me completely naked because im too ashamed of it and im scared hes gonna think its gross. so im just wondering if theres anyone else who has this, or if its just me. and if u do, have u ever had a problem w guys about it?