Whose the daddy?


No slut shaming. I get it. It’s whatever. It’s happened. I’m a grown woman and I can make my own choices, and accept my consequences. I slept with two guys. I slept with one of them on the 12th and 13th (13th without a condom and we did it twice). I slept with the other on the 17th (with condom he says, I don’t remember). I have various period tracking apps. One said I ovulated the 13th, another the 14th, 15th, and 16th at the latest according to one. I still had watery CM and lots of it the 17th. You probably already guessed it. I’m pregnant! They were both one night stands, and I don’t care that I’m pregnant. I’m fine with it. I’ve got a great job and I’m independent. I can be a great mom and dad. I’m 30 and still single. Wasn’t trying, but life happens. Yes I take BC. I know sex has consequences. My question is, which guy do you think the father is? They were hook ups so I can’t contact them and be like hey I’m pregnant wanna do a paternity test. Sure it’d be great for him to know he has a child but I don’t have a way of doing that unless somehow our paths cross again. I know I won’t know until the baby is born and who looks like (unless my genes dominate), but I’m just trying to guess who the father is and when I got pregnant. Not that it matters tadpole will be perfect regardless. Just that the second is black and my dad will have a heart attack. Not that I care! So I am trying to figure out if I need to brace for that

I can’t get DNA tests so I’m asking based off dates and the percentage chances of getting pregnant on different fertile days and days of cycle who is most likely to be the father? Baby Daddy A or Baby Daddy B?

Again as stated above I can’t do a DNA test or contact either of them. I don’t know them. It was one night stands and we were all from out of town

Also all checked. STD free