Feeling neglected - Need to rant

My husband has his moments where he can be the sweetest person ever. But like all men, he can be a straight ass without even trying. Him and his buddies play basketball every Friday night and I am about sick of it. Being newly married I wanted to be able to spend the weekends with my husband after working all week. But he would rather be with the guys. I recently became visibly upset and rather sick of feeling neglected and his excuse was that he didn’t want to be miserable being stuck at home. Granted I’ve always known he’s the type of person that can’t sit still and always has to be doing something. But am I crazy for wanting to spend time with my husband without being crucified? Tonight he told me I was crazy and he didn’t want to be stuck up my ass all the time 😒. If he doesn’t want to be at home, you would think he would want to go do something with me. I guess only time will tell if he will grow up. In the meantime I will sit at home miserable every Friday night and wonder why I’m not worthy of his time and attention. When I mention anything like that I’m “being a whiney bitch”. I’m started to regret getting married.