Baby not gaining weight

I need some advice or encouragement from other moms maybe who have been there. My son is 9 weeks old and at his two month pediatrician appointment we discovered he hasn't gained any weight from his first check up a month ago. He was 8 pounds 12 ounces at Birth and at his one month and two month appointment he was 9 lb and 8 oz. He is hitting all his developmental milestones, he has grown an inch, he's a happy baby who sleeps well at night and just perfect in every single way. He loves nursing, he has been exclusively breastfed from my breast since the day he was born. We had a tongue tie snipped for him on day two of his life and for the first 7 and a half weeks used a nipple shield but have weaned off of it entirely in the past 2 weeks. I stay home with him all the time and nurse him on demand. During the day he nurses frequently, every couple of hours from one or both breasts and consistently every 3 hours overnight. He is in the only the 5th percentile for weight now, the pediatrician did not act concerned or suggest that I supplement him with formula, thank God, because that is really the last option for me, that's just not what I want for my son, I will do anything I can to keep breastfeeding him until at least 1 year old and hopefully longer. But I am concerned about his weight gain. My husband is a big guy and I'm not tiny so genetically I would think he would be a bigger baby. Anyone else been in this situation? I had been giving him Gerber probiotic drops and they were making him poop quite a lot, like at least two big blowouts every single day, maybe even a third bowel movement. I have stopped giving him the probiotics because I think maybe they were making him go too much and not enough breast milk was sticking in his system.