8m old 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

I am lost and need some advice mamas

1) my 8.5m old has been fussing & whining all day getting crankier by the hour . He cries a lot by nature but now it’s gotten worse , as in whines for even simple things - if am changing his diaper & he doesn’t want to , he cries

- if he wants to go out , I need to take him out that instance , like no time for me to get dressed ; else bring roof down crying

- nap time is world war time for us ; he just doesn’t settle

- he was eating solids just fine so far, like a champ - now it’s gone ; he cries to eat

- same for everything .

How much ever I try to be on TOP of things, I fail n he cries

2) the above is making me so depressed and doubt if am even a good mom to him . Spouse working in a different country makes things all the more difficult .

3) also he gets bored easily with his toys like a few minutes, am not sure how to engage him .

Developmentally he is ok , sits, army crawls, rocks on all 4s, pulls to stand from sitting , smiles n plays with people , no stranger anxiety yet.

Desperately need help / advice to do better