Why is baby stuff so expensive?

Normally when people decide to have a kid their plan for it they have the money and everything is a lot less stressful I'd assume..

but when it happens unexpectedly and you have no car and just started a job that doesn't pay that well..

How do you afford all of this stuff? My main priority right now is 6 in my car which is probably be 1000 to 2000.. then I have to buy all the baby supplies.

I don't want to go cheap and lose quality.. and I'm kind of iffy on used stuff.

I know I've got a few more months since I'm not due till the end of June.. but like how do I even go about this? I've got no one I can ask for hand-me-downs.. but my Walmart is having a sale on baby clothes $3 an outfit.

I feel stressed as I'm almost 20 and a ftm with the dad out of the picture for safety reasons.