Thrush question

So I went to my doctor because I have thrush in my nipples and she had me using an OTC ointment but since then I have noticed my baby has white spots in his mouth but no diaper rash and he doesn’t fuss at the breast. I told my doctor and she prescribed me Nystatin for my nipples because the thrush still hasn’t cleared up (its been almost a month!) when I told her about my baby I asked if we should be treated together and she didn’t acknowledge that part of my message and just told me about the Rx. Will it go away in my baby if I’m being treated or do I need to call yet again and ask about it? As far as I can tell I have to wash the Nystatin off before feeding him so I can’t imagine that would help clear up his mouth? I’m confused and frustrated, I just want it to go away already!! 😩