I don’t know how I’m gonna make it 😩

Amy • Mom to 4 beautiful girls. 3/3/10, 4/27/14, 4/8/17, 3/7/19.

Hubby got a vasectomy on the 17th of December. Has to ejaculate 20 times before we take his sample in to make sure it worked. Sex is obviously his preferred method of making that happen, but oh my gosh 😭 Waited two weeks after operation to have sex partially because he was in pain, and partially because I think he was nervous it would hurt. So first time was Dec 30th. So including then we’ve had sex 3 times including tonight. I’m 31 weeks and it was miserable, I found a position that worked, but the second I had my big O it got very uncomfortable again and I had to find a different position. My stomach kept cramping up, not like contractions, but like Charlie horse cramps, ugh 😩 and he got kicked off our insurance the 31st, so in order for our insurance to cover the follow up we have to get it in somewhere between January 16th or the 30th. I’m not sure if it’s 30 days from the procedure or 30 days from when he got kicked off the insurance, but that’s a lot of sex within the next couple weeks. I don’t know if I’m gonna survive 😭 I don’t know how I managed to have sex up to my due date with my last pregnancy.