Jack is born!


He was due January 5, but showed up a day early!

The labor & delivery were awful. Nothing happened accordingly. Contractions were irregular until they broke my water. I had two epidurals and they both failed. Baby was sunny-side up and I was screaming in pain from the back labor. Pushed for 4 hours with no luck. Meconium started to seep out of my uterus. Eventually had to choose between using a vacuum, forceps, or c-section (each having serious risks). Doctor recommended the vacuum. She said she would only try 5 times, and if no luck then we'd go to C-section. The NICU team was on standby at this point. Sure enough, after 4 attempts no baby. On the last attempt the doctor told me to push my absolute hardest (and I did!!!) and by some miracle our baby boy came out happy and healthy!! He does have some bruising and lacerations on his head though, poor guy. 41 hours of labor. It was the worst and best day of my life. My lady bits are thoroughly damaged but somehow the pain is minimal and I'm healing up!

Ladies, good luck to you all. What a craazy journey this has been. I hope you all have smooth deliveries and that your epidurals do their job!