Stressing out


I’ve never had an std/sti before. Always been very cautious and safe. I just had a quick hookup and now I’m stressed that my record is changing. I was in a bad mood so I texted this guy I’d been talking to and we met up & exchanged oral, which was all fine. He was first to ask if I was clean/drug free, which I appreciated although it could still be sus. Day after, red/sore throat, swollen tonsils & a day or two after, frequent urgency to pee even when unnecessary & very occasional jolts in my sides — not painful, just jolts like someone was poking, although no burning; maybe a general sense of warmth down there. I had a lot going on and felt okay about it so I didn’t get tested til yesterday (1/5) after the hookup on 12/29, and I find out my results tomorrow. I’m just really hoping and trying to put into the universe that I just have a bruised throat and maybe tonsillitis from giving oral for the first time in a long time, and a uti for the same on the receiving end and not peeing right after. I really need this to be okay not only because I obviously don’t want an std but also because I’m supposed to meet someone I’ve really liked for a while (I’ve been waiting for him to get his shit together and meet me/commit) and if something like this happened right before to fuck it up I’m going to be every kind of upset and devastated. So please send it into the universe that my results are negative tomorrow & that I’m just being my normal paranoid-hypochondriac self.