Ovarian Cyst - A Sex Story 😂


So, since I was around 14, I’ve had issues with my cycle. Irregular bleeding, excessive bleeding, issues with cysts and a lot of occasional pain. It’s always been written off as “hormonal imbalance”

Since I reached my mid-20’s, doctors mention my hormones are offset due to not having children (makes sense 🤷🏻‍♀️)

Here’s the funny part.

About 2 months ago, my boyfriend and I were having some pretty good sex & it started to hurt a little but we continued because it was GREAT. 😛

I ended up bleeding a little, we both assumed he “jump started” my period & washed up and went to bed.


I get home from work, and experience some of the WORST pain. Like sweating, passing out in the bathtub pain. I couldn’t move, I swore I was dying or having a baby. I ended up going to the ER and they told me I had cyst that are rupturing which explains my excessive pain.


My periods have been easy, painless and LIGHT. They feel normal & I am actually able to LIVE and not keep myself in bed for the first few days.

I’m convinced that my boyfriend, the greatest man on the earth, cured me from my ovarian cyst. Now I can live a “normal” life.