Early Maternity Leave has made all the difference!


I'm due Jan 17th and although I was supposed to start my maternity leave Jan 7, I decided to take it early the 1st of the year. My energy had been very low and the idea of waking up early and being forced to stay at a place for 9 hours for one more week sounded terrible. My motivation to stay active and try to wokout had long time ceased as well.

Now I admit I can be the type of person to get very lazy if I don't have some kind of structure/schedule. My first day off I slept... Almost all day. I didn't do hardly anything. However the next day I found an instant motivation. I turned on YouTube and did some of my old Pilates videos. I then found prenatal yoga videos and have been doing them daily.

It's never too late to start being active and healthy for baby and the pending stress of labor. I still have low energy but I feel better doing something active even for just 10 min.

I guess the point of this post is to encourage anyone else to take leave early if possible. It was a great decision imo.