Help!! Struggling with toddler

The past month has been so tough. I feel defeated and like a failure. I had my daughter in a great routine with a proper bedtime after months of working on it. I felt accomplished like I was doing this whole motherhood thing right. Then last month, she got a bad case of croup. Combine that with another cold and teething, she was down for a good three weeks and did not act like herself (cranky, whiny, not playful, no appetite). Her whole routine changed. Her diet changed. Now she’s picky with food and I can’t get her to eat much of anything except peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She fights sleep so bad. I can’t get her to sleep until maybe 12-1am and most of the time she’ll wake up again around 3. It’s so exhausting and I don’t know what to do. I feel lost. It’s making my anxiety go through the roof. I know I probably sound like a huge complainer but it has just been a struggle and I hope some of you understand. Is any of her behavior normal for a toddler? Please give me any advice. Thank you.