Just need to rant

Let me start off by saying I love my husband to death, and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. But this man drives me nuts.

For one, he can never put his clothes in the hamper. He will literally place them right next to the hamper or somewhere else in the house. I dont know why guys do this 🙄

Second we just had a baby and when his friends or family ask how it's going he says "good but we aren't getting any sleep" HE GETS 8-9 HOURS A NIGHT

I'm not working so I dont feel like its right to wake him up on weekdays when I can handle it myself, plus our 1 month old only wakes up twice maybe three times a night. So I don't know how hes always so tired and not getting any sleep. It's so frustrating.

He also said he never has time for anything but he doesnt even help out most of the time. He gets home from work, eats dinner and hangs out maybe 30 minutes and then goes and plays video games.

I love my baby to death but sometimes I need 5 minutes to myself ( yes I tell him this but he doesnt listen)

I do so much daily around the house

My husband has breakfast, packed lunch and dinner EVERYDAY. I do his laundry, fold it and put it away, I do his dishes and I make sure the house is clean when he comes home. I do all this while taking online classes, taking care of a newborn and two dogs.

Yes his job is stressful and hard, but he cant even spare me a couple minutes to take a long hot shower or take a bath.

It's so frustrating. How do you guys deal with it? I talk to him about it all the time but he doesnt listen to me.