Sleeping in crib ?

Ashley • Mommy.Girlfriend.Happy Life 💕

Hi mommies! I need some help! I know I messed up from the beginning letting my daughter sleep with me and my boyfriend in bed. But I was a first time mommy & you don’t get an instruction book on what to do 😂

And plus I loved her cuddles. But now she’s 8 months about to be 9 & im over it, she is the most craziest sleeper. And now that I’m almost 23 weeks pregnant I need my space. I always am waking up with body aches cus I’m so squished. Lol. Now she still doesn’t sleep through the night, little by little she’s getting better but there’s some nights where she wakes up almost every hour. She used to go through almost 4 6oz bottles in the night now she has gotten down to 2. But she moves so much and seems she can’t get comfortable where it’ll wake her up, she’s easy to put back to sleep if she doesn’t want her bottle she just wants to patted on the butt, she like the vibration.

We’re going to be getting our own place in the next month or two, but I want her to get used to her own crib and her not searching if were right next to her or not, since her sister will be her beginning May. Just some suggestions or recommendations from you mommies, that I can do to get her in her crib.

Her damn pediatrician said I fucked up basically & she tried having me go on the website where it teaches you how to put baby to sleep in crib, but the website was charging almost 100$, like ridiculous🙄

Anything helps. ❤️❤️❤️