Just looking for opinions/ advice (LONG)❤


Sorry if this is all over the place and a little confusing but Here's a little backstory to fill you in...

So I am a cosmetologist, i started a job January 2017 found out i was pregnant with my son about a week later , I worked my entire pregnancy had my son in October 2017 then I resigned to be a stay at home mom...as hard as it's been I'm very grateful I was able to stay home and I love it. Fast forward to November 2018 , I ran into my old manager and basically she asked if I was interested in coming back , after some major thought (the job environment wasnt my favorite , alot of race issues, drama , etc) but I finally convinced myself I was ready to go back now that our son was a year old , I felt it would be beneficial for us both...well I applied & did all my tax paperwork everything is set up for me to start January 10th this week...I found out im pregnant again on January 3rd (now 5w3d) not planned at all! Well I ended up telling my manager and she wasnt ok with it but her boss was so it was already an awkward situation plus the issue of pregnancy discrimination. Anyways I'm not sure if I want to go back to work now that I know I'm expecting again , we could use the extra money but I'm just worried about the stressful environment bieng worse and I know I'm not going to want to go back after this baby..but it seems unfair to go back then quit again after this baby is born. I just dont know what I should do! I was looking forward to getting back into the swing of things as a working woman , but now I want to have the same experience as a SAHM as I had with our son. I also have an issue with the hours id be working...The job hours aren't set per say , 7 days a week (at least 1 day off a week) , sometimes getting off at 8pm (9pm on sat.) , and sometime going in at 830am. I just feel like its alot of time away for our son especially before hes not an only child anymore...sorry for rambling on / complaining I just need advice ladies!