So confused on what to do 😔

Baby has been breech for awhile now. I'm 38+7, due September 6th, had an ultrasound today and he's head down! I'm so happy but I had a c-section scheduled for this coming Monday. My doct gave me the options to go ahead with the c section or wait for labor. I haven't progressed at all as far as dilation or anything goes. So idk what to do. I don't want to wait another 2 weeks for labor and nothing happens and still end up with a c section. Btw this is my 2nd child, 1st was a c section 6 yrs ago and my doct okayd me for a vbac if I decided on one. And I really don't want a c section again. Ahhhhhh I'm so confused. Doct needs an answer by tomorrow.