Anyone else have zero sex drive? 5w4d


I feel bad because I haven't wanted to have sex at all in a while. My breasts are sore, pelvic cramps, and a foot cramp. Occasional nausea as well. On top of that I just can't seem to get in the mood even when DH is really trying (which he does every night). We do have sex but like every other day now or every couple of days and even then only because I know he needs a release and I feel bad because he has always been irresistibly attracted to me. I just want to reciprocate that feeling but can't.

Even when I wasn't pregnant I had a very low sex drive as I suffer from hypersomnia/narcolepsy, fibromyalgia and chronic migraines so I'm always exhausted and in pain. On top of that I have had pretty severe depression, anxiety and some PTSD. So basically sex drive was pretty low to begin with but not as bad as this.

Anyone else experiencing no sex drive at all? Any advice for combatting this? ☹️