Need input please


Here’s our story...

I am 27 and SO is 40. We have been trying to conceive for 4 years now. 2 miscarriages one in March 2016 and another in feb 2017.

SO had two sperm analysis and they were perfect. He is taking men’s centrum multivitamins and extra vitamins C and D.

I am on metformin 500 mg twice a day , prenatal, synthroid .200 mg, 5 mg folic acid and vitamin c and d also. I’ve been taking all does meds once October 2016 and no luck yet.

I’ve changed doctors, done lots of testing everything seems to be fine. I have pcos and hypothyroidism. We live in a isolated area where the obgyn only comes once every 3 months and “is not confortable prescripbing fertility drugs”, I’ve gotten a second opinion and am getting a dye test for my tubes then going to see a RE.

What should I be asking or doin differently ?