Am I crazy?

So my boyfriend and I have been dating for nearly 5 months and I can honestly say I love this man so much. Every moment together is perfect, even if it’s just laying in bed cuddling and watching tv. He’s always more focused on me then himself when we are intimate, to the point where I feel bad sometimes.

I can honestly see myself marrying this man. He could propose to me tomorrow with a 25 cent ring and I’d say yes. But there’s one thing that worries me to death:

My extended family.

My nuclear family is great, but my dads side of the family is bat shit crazy. One minute everyone’s fine then the next minute aunt {x} is calling the law on uncle {y} over something and aunt {x} is trying to lie and say uncle {y} started the fight when aunt {x} was really at fault.

It’s to the point where if my boyfriend and I DO get married (which i really hope), I’d only invite maybe 5 of my dads gigantic family (one of his brothers and one of his sisters and then the great aunts and uncles I love to death and close cousins who aren’t crazy). I told my mom about it and she wants me to try to include them but they’ve been fighting for what seems like my entire life (one argument has lasted over fifteen years). It doesn’t feel like i can trust them and I can honestly see where my older brother was coming from when he got married and only invited the same two (aunt and uncle) that I am gonna invite even though he was an ass and went about it the wrong way.

Am I crazy for this? I always imagined that I’d be able to invite my whole family but with the way things are going it’s starting to look like I might not be able to...

I’m also worried that my family might scare him off...(he says he doesn’t mind, but it’s a constant worry) and I don’t know what to do