I need help


So about a year ago someone that I live with I believe raped me everything points to yes but I believe I was drugged. This person I live with has a sleeping disorder that can cause him to fall asleep a lot even during the day and is prescribed a medicine that is known as a “date rape drug” he gave me my medicine that night rather than someone else because that person was already asleep. I was tired as well. I take many pills a day at this time I took I believe around 7 pills a day that all look very similar but so does the drug that he was prescribed. I went to bed with a bra,shirt,underwear,and shorts on and many blankets. I’m a heavy sleeper yes but I typically don’t move around a lot. When I woke up my underwear was on the floor clear across my room but my shorts were on me but kinda not on all the way. My vagina was very sore and I had some blood around my vaganal opening that my older sister said happened to her when she lost her virginity and it’s a year later and I still live with him but still have to deal with the fact of what happened. Since then he has continued to make comments on my body that he shouldn’t and looks at me in ways he shouldn’t please I need help. In any way how to cope or what I should do.