Help me! Please!

Hi ladies!

I’m writing in your group for help ASAP. I’m NOT the one in a domestic relationship but my friend is. And I feel like she’s in trouble.

Quick backstory:

She’s young and has two kids by him. Unfortunately, her entire world revolves around him 🤦🏽‍♀️. Welp, the abuse went from mental, emotional and verbal to physical. She began making excuses for him. She would say he just pushed me, it’s not like he hit me. Or “he might have hit me but it wasn’t hard”. Or he grabbed me by neck and lifted me off the ground but he didn’t choke me”. I’m tired of it but I’m trying to be a good friend but I’m not supportive of this at all. I’m worried that if I vocalize this I may lose my friend but if I don’t it may be worse.