Anyone know anything about this or have a similar experience

So I had some light spotting at 7w5d.. I went to the ER at 7w6d.. the bleeding had stopped but bc it was the weekend I wanted to have it checked out after work so that's why I went to the ER. The checked my beta, did and ultrasound and looked at my cervix. Cervix is closed but it has a tiny irritated spot on it (the cause of the spotting) from the progesterone suppositories. The beta was 118059. And the baby was great with a heart rate of 167. I was happy and relieved. They ordered me to have a follow up hcg in 48 hrs (8w1d) just for the heck of it. I went. The doctors office called and said that there was no Change in hcg and the doctor wasn't concerned. The baby looked fine and if I wanted to come in the next day I could just to ease my mind. I said if everything looked good then I'll wait till next week for my regular appointment.. I just checked on line my lab result and the 48hr (8w1d) beta was 111524.. Which had dropped slightly!!  Don't know what to think. I know they level out and start to decline eventually but I am still kinda concerned. All the stories I find on the Internet are so different from mine that I can't relate to them. Any thoughts?