Mother in laws... amiright?

Y’all. My mother in law is a psycho. No really. A legit psycho. I literally could make a huge list of all the shit she passive aggressively and sometimes actually aggressively says to me but that would take forever. The latest development is lately my 4 year old has not wanted to go to her house. Like at all. Which makes me wonder like what is going on over there that my kid really doesn’t want to go see her grandma anymore? So apparently she thinks my house is a “party house with no rules” for my kid and that’s why my kid doesn’t want to go over there anymore. Like umm ok we are in bed by 9 so where tf is that coming from. Like we come home from work, I cook, we eat dinner, take a bath, and go to bed. Like wtf? She also said she’s about to not be very nice to me. 😂 bitch. Don’t bite the hand that gave birth to your only grandchild bc I will take shit away real quick. Idk. She’s just driving me literally insane with the dumb judgy shit she says and I’m over it. My husband doesn’t love to hear me ranting about his mother so I just had to put this out into the world before I explode lol. If you read all this then kudos to you. You and I both need a bottle of wine now. Cheers.