Mother in law but basically my mother💖


I see so many posts on here where women don’t have good relationships with their mother in laws & I feel for them. But I’d like to make a happy post about my mother in law! She has done so much for me, I consider her my mom just as much as my SO’s mom. My mom got pregnant with me when she was 15, I’ve never met my father. When I was around 12 my mom began using drugs and would even bring me with her to drug deals which was quite traumatic for me. I ended up having to move into my aunts house and when I turned 18 my uncle sexually abused me. My boyfriends mother immediately took me in and has treated me like her daughter since. I am currently 28 weeks pregnant and I’m so excited to have her as my babies grandmother. She has SPLURGED on baby stuff already lol. She bought us a crib and painted the guest room and set it up all cute for our little boy. She is the kindest woman I have ever met in my entire life. She constantly encourages me and lets me know I am loved. I so wish I had a million bucks because it’d go straight to this woman. I pray all of you ladies have this relationship with your mother in law. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve experienced. Here’s a pic of my cute little family.

Praying my boy gets their curls😍😍