He left me for his career.


(sorry this might be a bit long sorry)

27F and 27M.

Been together for a 1.5 half year. Both brits living abroad. We met here in a foreign country, by a stroke of luck. He was everything I wanted in a person, happy, funny, passionate, drive, wanting the best out of life.

He moved here for his job, a job that he's passionate about, I always loved how focussed he was. I wanted all his career dreams to come true, but I also wanted to be there to see them come true, I wanted to be his supporter, always cheering him on.

And now I won't be because instead of being the person cheering him on, I was an obstacle, a distraction. And I had to go.

Monday night he told me, I can't do this anymore. I love you, but too much, I can't focus on anything but you, my work is suffering. When I'm at work all I do is think about you, worry about you, want to see you.

He had a performance review a month ago and they told him his work wasn't want they are used to from him, it was slacking and sloppy. Then the first monday of january came and he expected a promotion, it was declined.

So he came to a conclusion, The distraction had to go. I think he cried as much as I did....... I'm not used to that from him, he's a rock, he doesn't like showing emotion. Then night he broke up with me, I was broken, so I stayed at his place, and we cuddled and talked about all the good times, I told him every feeling I ever held back, every loving feeling.

While that night was so bittersweet, knowing it was the last time you would hold me like that, it was a mistake. I should have left.

Now we are almost a week later, I'm having trouble letting go so I went No contact. We told each other we'd meet in a months time. 8th of Febuary, I don't know who wanted it, you or me or both of us. I know you're worried about me. Even though the last time we talked before NC you were acting so cold, but I know you and it's just because you don't want to hurt me more.

Then worst was when you told me, I don't understand what made you fall for me so hard, but I'm sorry.

You sold yourself so short. You're an amazing person and we just fit so well together.

I miss you alot. I will for a long time. It was the happiest 1.5 year of my life.