Deciding on another baby...


Appreciate all advice and support. So my son is 16mo and I don't feel done. I want another child but am having a really hard time deciding if it's the smartest choice for us. We can afford another, that's not an issue but my first pregnancy was really really hard, I had a ton of complications and ended in emergency cesarean. Body wise I'm afraid of what will happen and can I continue working full time and giving my son and husband everything they need and deserve. Then there's my hubby who isn't sold on a #2. He wasn't sure he ever wanted kids but knew 2 kids were part of the package from the start and was a willing participant lol. He's great with my son 90% of the time but has a low frustration tolerance, had a really difficult time with my son's colic for 5mo and now the whining makes him nutty. That said he loves that little boy insanely and despite the difficulty of the first year or so again I think in the end 2 kids would be amazing. Just not sure how I'd survive an awful pregnancy again, sleepless nights without much help (breastfeeding) and the colic stage of it happens again with a toddler. Any insight? Probably just a little ptsd from the first go but honestly it scares me. Like how would I keep a household running, all of us fed, etc when I'm so sick and miserable?? Yet my gut says "not done" with baby making. How do you mommas do it? I feel so weak.