The drama never ends


Ladies, how do you deal with difficult family members? When I say difficult I mean, has to cause drama, has to be right, has to have control and pretty much does everything in their power to put people down? My husband and his brother were somewhat estranged as their mom gave his brother up and his step dad took custody of his brother as my husband stayed with his mom. Since we have been together their relationship has been on the mend and getting stronger until my brother in law met his now wife.

She comes off to be a good person and is friendly, but is very back stabbing and talks more about anyone then I've heard! Shes been physically abusive to him and he has rolled along with it because she was drunk. Now they had their first child together recently and my husband was joking with her about whatever and she came at him insulting about how he chooses to raise our kids or our parenting choices. Our relationship hasn't been the best as she doesn't like other women who are strong willed and speak their mind and don't back down. I was debating about saying something, but me being the mama bear very nicely said something to her to which she denied she ever said. Take ownership of what you said and apologize as opposed to trying to play the victim. This is the last straw with her. I cant keep putting myself around such a toxic person and I feel bad for my husband as his relationship with his brother is strained due to her. Any input or advice on how to handle a person like this, or just walk away and ignore it?