I need divorce help and advice!!!


I need help. I'm scared my husband is going to do something to get back at me if I divorce him. I can't take the way he get frustrated with our children. I've told him that I know it's hard, believe me. I'm a sahm and they are a hand full. They're 3 and 1. So they can get needy at the same time. I love them to death and would do anything for them, they are my life and heart. It breaks my heart that he gets that way with them. We currently live with my dad. And to say that neither of my parents aren't fond of him is a little of an understatement. I don't want him to think that he can just take my babies away, I honestly don't trust him alone with them cause I've seen how he can ignore them and they get into a lotta stuff they shouldn't. It scares me to think that he could get half custody of them and I won't be there to make sure they're safe and taken care of. He hasn't actually hit me or anything but he gets angry and scares me sometimes. He says he's trying to work on it and he has a little. But my concern is that he doesn't pay attention to them when that's what they need. He'd rather be playing on his phone or Xbox. And when he does he completely ignores them. I want a divorce now but with a broken leg and no money I don't know how to do it. There's more to the story as there always is. And his side. But honestly I just want what's best for my children. It's taken me a while to realize that he's not really deserving of them cause he doesn't pay much attention and if was up to him I feel like he would put them last under him. I just need help trying to figure out how to go about a divorce. Please any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated.