At my wits end..


My girl will be 3 months old on the 25th. I have dealt with excessive spitting up since she was about a month old and I am so over it. I have taken her to her pediatrician 3 times for this. The first 2 times, he gave me samples of formulas to try, the third time, last Tuesday, he suggested putting a couple spoons of rice cereal in her bottles.

On top of her excessive spitting up, he says she’s also underweight for her height and suggested feeding her more. She was eating 6oz every 3 hours but 2 days ago I started her on 4oz every 2 hours to see if that helped with spitting up. I really don’t know how I can feed her more, and just make more for her to spit up.

I feed her with her sitting straight up, I burp her every 2 oz and I keep her sitting up for atleast 30 minutes after eating. Literally the second I lay her down or put her in her rocker, it starts. I’ve tried lactose sensitive formulas, hypoallergenic formulas, normal formulas, formulas for acid reflux...

I am at the point where I just want to cry. I know some spit up is normal. But going through 3-4 burp rags and soaking them at every single feeding can’t be normal. Her dr isn’t that concerned because she is gaining weight, slowly, but she is gaining despite all of this spitting up.

The next closest pediatrician to us is over an hour away, we live in a small town. So before I go that route getting a new dr, does anyone have any suggestions or any tips, tricks, anything at all that I can try?

The dr wants me to go ahead and start her on solids at 4 months since she can’t keep formula down. I’m nervous about that too because this is my first baby and I have no idea how to start that lol