Feeling like I don’t have an identity

So ever since I’ve became pregnant my life revolves around my pregnancy, work, school, and my relationship. I haven’t seen one of my friends since October and the only people I talk to are my mom, boyfriend, coworkers (if it’s work related ) and a few online ladies I’ve met on glow. I feel like I’ve forgot how to talk to people and came so close to actually making a friend and he just randomly stopped talking to me, probably because I’m boring and never had anything to say. I wish I had time for a hobby but I go to school from 7 am to 4 pm and than work from 5 pm to 11 pm. I don’t even get ready anymore which is so out of character for me. I just feel like someone’s mom and it sucks. I see my boyfriend with his friends and having fun and being a person and wonder how tf he manages to stay himself and not just become wrapped up in becoming parents and spending every waking moment preparing. I used to be so fun and be there for everyone but when I needed someone no one was there for me...

I understand why my friends left when I got pregnant, we’re 16 and they didn’t wanna be associated with the pregnant girl. I just needed to rant