TMI PIC .. IB or is this normal ?

Raven • Ttc baby #3

I just realized my periods have stretched out to 32 days. 🙄

I’m on cycle day 25 .. period not due until cycle day 31 or 32

But i just wiped and the tmi pic is what came out.. it’s not there anymore .. weird ?? Like It just came and went 🤔

My periods not due for another week as you see in the picture & I had sex the 28th and the 5th ..

if It could be IB .. which date would you go with that I conceived , please don’t judge 😣 as far as I’m concerned , no ejaculation was made inside of me

if the 1 Time spotting is normal.. why is it happening ?

idk if i should add that I had a miscarriage on September 16 .. a day shy from 7 weeks but I’ve had normal periods since then

It happened last month but it was 2 days before my period but it got heavier and I had clots and I had a light period but this time .. I’m a WHOLE week away .. any insights will be nice ! Thanks y’all