Baby food?

My son started solid at 5 months upon his pedi recommendation. So I started with store bought baby food. He had that for a month only for dinner. Now that he just started eating about 4 oz of solid at dinner time, I switched to homemade baby food. He had homemade carrot purée first and he enjoyed that first day. He ate pretty good amount. Second day I made butternut squash and he didn’t like it. He barely had two spoons so I gave him left over carrot purée. He didn’t eat even carrot purée. I’m not sure weather it is because he got to taste squash first and he didn’t like it or may be he wasn’t hungry. Need tips or advise on how to make baby eat home made purée. Also need tips what did you feed you 6 months old daily? Did you give three meals or two meals if you started solid before 6 months? And for water did you use sippy cup with nipple or spout? FTM here 🙋🏻‍♀️ so many questions on how do I offer solids to my son.