Boyfriend issues.

Any one else feel like their boyfriends would much rather be anywhere else but with you? My boyfriend literally finds a reason to be gone from our daughter and me. He mostly fishes. (He has been unemployed but starts working tomorrow night) And most of the time it’s with this one guy. They hang out even if they don’t fish. It pisses me off because I sit in this house all day, everyday. Over half of the time it’s just my daughter and me here with no vehicle. (She has been running fever and he left to go 3 hours away with this guy to pick a boat up and I’m here with no vehicle to take her to the ER if I needed to.) He said he’d be home by 9pm and he still isn’t here. He says he loves me and wants to marry me (not engaged) but I just feel like he doesn’t love me like he says I feel like he’s just talking to talk. We’ve been together almost 5 years now. I feel like he hates being around me..