Who would you choose?

Contestant 1- Funny, Cute, has a job, is put together, makes time for you. Although has an annoying personality (makes too many jokes, asks too many fucking questions), bad kisser

Contestant 2- Sexy as fuck, funny, perfect personality. Although complains a lot, is a convicted felon & has a weird fetish

Contestant 3- Sweet, good kisser, good dick, sexy dad bod, makes you feel safe, will drive to you for sex. Although he’s a little older than you

Contestant 4- Hot body, gentle in bed, good kisser, super cute, huge dick. Although not talkative, only wants sex, kind of a player, still fucks his ex, no car, barely works.

Contestant 5- Funny, cute, talkative, can talk to him about anything, takes care of you, always compliments you (not in a annoying way) BUT he’s a huge cunt when he’s drinking. Like he’s a dick, not abusive.

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