I did it.

Katey • Mom to four angels

I posted all throughout late 2017/early-mid 2018 about my cheating and abusive (ex) husband. In August, I made a post about wanting to know if I should keep trying for the sake of our history or if I should just file for divorce. About a week after talking to a few ladies on here, he threatened my life and I left and moved into a safe house. I took a huge social media detox, finished school, and moved back to my home town (2,000 miles away).

Around thanksgiving, I hopped on some dating sites ready to get out there again. After several bad dates, seeing guys who showed every red flag I can now see, I found an absolute angel. We clicked instantly, and he was so eager to learn about what made me “me”. I’m just here to share some personal happiness.

He never lets me open a door, he leaves me notes to wake up to (we work opposite shifts and I spend most nights at the house), on our weekends, he always makes sure to pour my coffee just how I like it, he asks how I am, picks up on my body language, gives me good advice, supports my dreams and aspirations, and SO much more. most importantly, he accepts me, and all my baggage. I have never had to ask for anything. It’s so interesting to have gone from begging for half these things to him just doing them from the get go, not knowing at one point in my life, is find myself crying and begging for these baseline acts of love and care.

So as sad as it is to go from TTC to not TTC, I am very thankful that he says “one day, but not today” in reference to us having children, and I am SO thankful that whatever life we may bring into this world will have such a strong, loving male role model to look up to.

So attached is a pan my ex threw at me for asking him if he would consider applying for a job so I didn’t have to keep working 3, and a picture of my wonderful S/O and I going on a hike this past weekend (And the corg so it made this post worth the read).


Last night we had a deep conversation about our pasts (I’m starting therapy again soon and I was stressing). So he opens up about a lot & he verbalized that he loves me and that he’s proud of me for doing what I do and keeping a positive mindset. That is all. My heart fell out my ass I swear.